Monday, July 16, 2007

362:Lick, Lick, Lick......LICK!!!!!!

...Wow. Wow is all I can say about this chapter's ending...

Deidara and Sasuke chillin' in de forest lookin' extremely beat out from de fight. Deidara tries to stand up but falls back down outta fatigue-though i think it was just a distraction to allow him time to surreptitiously get some clay from his pouches-and the next thing you know...

Well, Sasuke handle dat in his usual cool manner by just shocking them off with a Chidori Nagashi but unfortunately for him that took a little too much chakra out of him. Still, we all know dat he's de coolest cat in the ninja world (after Itachi of course) so he remains silent and just keeps staring poor Deidara down with those eyes. And then he trips...

And what do you get for pissing Deidara off? BOOM! CHEST MOUTH!!!!Jeez man, Akatsuki really is full of a set of freaks and mutants...

You know, in gaming there's a saying that goes: "Style does kill" and this is a perfect example of such. Sasuke has been getting on so for the past three years and one day he he finally push somebody too far; now look at him, he goin' an get himself caught in a 10KM radius explosion an he have no chakra left to go pull off a daring escape...OR DOES HE!!!???

One thing I must say about Deidara's "Final Explosion" is that he really meant it when he said it would be his ultimate art. I mean, for something as difficult to control as an explosion it's pretty artistic. Nay, it's INCREDIBLY ARTISTIC!!! For those of you who frequent Wikipedia as often as I do for your Naruto info then you must have seen that Deidara's character is based on the famous japanese artist and sculpter Taro Okamoto (he was the the originator of the phrase "Art Is A Bang" and some of Deidara's works are inspired by his as well). Taro's Greatest work of art is the "Taiyo no Tou" (lit."Tower of the Sun") and as a fitting homage to Okamoto-sensei, Deidara's death is as the epitome of artistic expression. The blast is actually in the shape of the Taiyo no Tou!!!

All that's left is for Sasuke and Tobi to make their daring escape and to see how the blast affects Naruto and company. NICE CHAPTER!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

361: THOSE EYES!!!!!

But I digress...

Last time we left Sasuke he was suspended several hundred feet in the air on a clay bird with his hand trapped in a Deidara clone while the real Deidara grabbed onto his foot screaming "EAT MY C4 BITCH!!!" (ok ok, the Bitch is my addition but it's obviously implied). Neways as one gazes upon the first page of chapter 361 we see that Sasuke is suspended several hundred feet in the air on a clay bird with his hand trapped in a Deidara clone while the real Deidara is grabbing onto his foot screaming "EAT MY C4 BITCH!!!" AND he's now INSIDE a c4 explosive.

Well with that I supposed his goose was pretty much cooked; but this is Sasuke we're talking about. So, I see Sasuke doing his Sharingan thing blink up at the inside of the bomb a few times, use some X-Ray vision and check out his blood stream, zoom in on the microscopic clay bombs and then he has a revalation-I too had a revalation after seeing this but it was more along the lines of "What the hell is the Byakugan good for anyway?! IT'S A SHARINGAN WORLD!!!-after that the manga cuts to Deidara.

Now, Deidara while free falling decides to save himself from a painful landing by moulding a clay bird for his safe recovery, but lo and behold: his injuries from Sasuke's Sharingan Controlled Windmill Blade attack back in chapter 358 have rendered him unable to produce a proper sculpture (and he just got his arms re-attached too; there goes the saftey deposit...).

Then, Sasuke does what he does best and bursts out of his c4 prison and falls towards the injured artist with his Chidori aglow. Naturally Mr. Clay terrorist decided to deal the finishing blow one time. KATSU!!!

Now doesn't that look familiar...
Well, Deidara hit the ground hard and and looked at the bits of Sasuke raining down with satisfaction-he take d chain up-and he declared the superiority of his art.

Then the usual happens.

Now's the part where Sasuke reveals that he was testing the waters the entire time-LEVEL CHAIN UP-in order to make sure that he fully understood the limitations of Deidara's techniques in order to exploit their weakness. Long story short, lightning element (Chidori) beats earth element (Clay Bombs).

I have to say i'm pretty impressed with this fight it turned out much differently from the way i thought it would (meaning that I figured Deidara woulda get one quick genjutsu, a couple a snakes and a good Chidori and call dat George). Now it seems that there's gonna be one final explosion, one final exchange and then it's back to what this manga is SUPPOSED to be about, Naruto. I'm looking foward to Deidara's artistic end...H'MM!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

360: Deidara vs Sharingan!!!

Man!!! This chapter was something dread!!! Ok, so from the last chapter we saw sauke doing his Sasuke thing and utterly avoiding an explosive death at the hands of Deidara followed by a short flashback recounting Deidara's terrorist days and his defeat and consequent forcing into Akatsuki by Itachi. Now, Deidara eats the clay with his own mouth and vomits this MASSIVE replica of himself!

Deidara wastes no time at all. Is KATSU right of the bat!!!

Now here's the where it gets rell bad. It turns out that it's not just some mediocre giant explosive-now that would just be plain unoriginal-in fact Deidara's "garuda" when detonated, releases milions of microscopic explosives that diffuse throughout the entire area and infect any living creature it comes into contact with. Make a wrong move and inhale them and...

Now, two things are wrong with this picture:1) Sasuke get killed and 2) Sasuke get killed by Deidara. So with the way things have been going for Sharingan users lately you know what comes next...

So naturally I thought "well goodbye and good riddance you pottery-making, hand-losing terrorist punk!" when all of a sudden...

WHOAH!!!Now DAT IS SS-RANK!!! Imagine I thought he had that scope and the lock of hair over his eye because he was a stereotypical anime bishonen. It turns out it was part of his strategy!!! He has been training his right eye to counteract Sharingan genjutsu ever since his crushing defeat by Itachi. Nice!!! Deidara actually was pulling a Kakashi all along. It's too bad that Sasuke's still going to humiliate him with an impossible counter, get the infomation he wants out of him, tell how awesome Sharingan is over everything and finally utterly defeat him all in one fell swoop. sad, sad, sad.

Methinks in the next chapter we should see Deidara's last stand and a most artistic defeat.